When your work releases fumes into the air, having a quality air controlling system is necessary for comfort and safety. Industrial heat recovery units are just as important to your business as an air makeup unit. Together, heat and air control can help you reduce waste, lower costs and improve energy consumption.
Industrial heat recovery units store the warm air released from areas such as blast or spray booths and use it to heat the incoming fresh air. While you remove the dust and debris to create better air quality, heat recovery units capture the escaped heat and repurpose it.
There are a few advantages to installing waste heat recovery technology in your industrial facility, including:
This technology can also involve cooling coils that help reduce your energy use in the warmer months while keeping the internal temperature comfortable.
Industrial heat recovery units capture waste that would normally be emitted into the surrounding atmosphere and store it so you can use it for other purposes. Some examples of heat waste include hot exhausts and gases. There are varying technologies that apply to each system, but the main components include:
There are a few different ways to transfer the heat from the exhaust to the fresh air.
Thermal wheels are the most efficient units. They consist of two large wheels that turn in opposite directions — one draws in the exhaust and the other churns out the clean, heated air. The energy from the exhaust air transfers to the clean air, which heats it.
Heat pipes operate with a tube system and refrigerant to convert waste air to clean, warm air. The refrigerant captures the heat from the exhaust air and transfers it to the incoming or reserved fresh air. These pipes can be either horizontal or vertical. Vertical lines rely on evaporation, whereas horizontal pipes employ wicks to capture heat.
These two mechanisms — thermal wheels and heat pipes — accomplish the same goal of trapping heat and creating warm, clean air. No matter the internal process, the heat recovery unit’s purpose and main components are the same.
Most companies have various processes and equipment that release a significant amount of energy into their surroundings — waste heat producers — and others that require substantial energy to run — waste heat consumers.
You can reach peak efficiency by redirecting the energy from the waste heat producers to fuel the waste heat consumers. Heat recovery units are capable of helping you achieve this task.
Waste heat producers generate a lot of energy during operation. Some waste heat producers in companies include:
These industrial waste heat producers are often necessary for companies to serve their customers. In most cases, the energy these producers create would be lost. Using a heat recovery unit to reuse the energy from these producers will make your operations more resourceful.
Some common waste heat consumers include:
These waste heat consumers require a large amount of energy to function. By using heat recovery units to apply the energy from waste heat producers to these consumers, you can more efficiently power your equipment and processes.